Thursday, February 21, 2013

Digital Game Design 2013 Week 2

Week 2

The second week of the research we set all the ideas for the design of the game on table and we vote for the best one which fits the deadline and our possibilities.  We collect the tourist education idea as the best one.

On Saturday we had a meeting as Ledras and we decided on which places we will promote the idea and how we will able to built our story. Furthermore we had second meeting to write the story of the game.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Digital Game Design Spring 2013

The new team of the Digital Game Design for Spring 2013 are:

  • Petros Hadjioannou
  • Andria Dimitriou
  • Andreas Agathangelou
  • Gareth Christodoulou
  • George Neokleous
  • Malevi Chrysostomou
  • George Tziazzas
  • our professor George Christou
  • and my self Elena Soteriou

I would like to welcome all of you and i wish to our team a good beginning.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Video game design

Which game to choose from:  hack and slash games, arcade games, fighting games,beat em up games, maze games, platform games, double player games, shooter map games, adventure based games, racing games, the list is endless. Who will be our age group, target group.
In class we narrowed our games down to several  games.
Ninja Game, Flipper, Map game, Educational tour, Bike racing, start Running a chasing game and Elli the Vampires. From list creative list we narrowed it down to voting on the Educational tour game which will guide the player as the character with his android phones. Like  a  Treasure hunt, could be ghoosechase or a quest about the past. The player will be guided with clues and riddles within the game as to unlock the levels.
We will learn how to contribute ideas and elaborate on different tasks throughout the whole game and its story and missions. We will be assigned different broken-down area of constructions of the Educational games themes and aspects.

Gareth Christodoulou                                                      
Graphic Designer / Art Director